• PoetryInMotion1
    2014 • Issue 4
    Cultural Exchange
    Emerging poets Pooja Nansi, Paul Tan and Desmond Kon inject vitality into the growing poetry scene.
  • HonouringExtraordinaryWomen1
    2014 • Issue 4
    Volunteer Cooperation
    Environmentalist, entrepreneur, humanitarian, mother, grandmother, author — Ann Phua is all these and more.
  • GivingChildrenASolidFoundation1
    2014 • Issue 4
    Volunteer Cooperation
    Disadvantaged children have a champion in Dr Khoo Kim Choo, who pushes the boundaries to raise pre-school standards and implement new curricula.
  • LightingUpTheatre1
    2014 • Issue 4
    Cultural Exchange
    Checkpoint Theatre artistic directors, Huzir Sulaiman and Claire Wong’s love story and love affair with the arts reflect the cultural fluidity that flows between Singapore and Malaysia.