Stories > Heroes In The Dark

2014 • Issue 3

Heroes In The Dark

Heroes In The Dark


or all the sparkling lights that give Singapore and its skyline its distinctive character, it’s their absence that has had a profound global impact.

Earth Hour is a global phenomenon that spans 7,000 cities in over 160 countries, and involves hundreds of millions of participants turning off the lights for an hour on a designated date. The movement, which is headquartered in Singapore, is a key initiative of the WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature).

This year’s event took place on March 29, and also unveiled its first Super Hero ambassador, Spider-Man. It attracted 9,000 attendees and the cast of The Amazing Spider-Man 2, including Jamie Foxx, Emma Stone and Andrew Garfield to The Float@Marina Bay, where they witnessed the bay turn dark for an hour from 8:30pm.

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