Stories > Nature’s Lesson

2012 • Issue 2

Nature’s Lesson

“It was an emotionally challenging time: I was not sure whether I was coming or going in my marriage, so I took a weekend off from work for an overnight stay at a kelong in Batam with some good friends and my daughters, who were then six and four years old. What started off as a drizzle became a massive storm that raged all night. I stayed out on the deck, listening to the howling winds, and then this came through so clearly — that what’s out there reflects what’s within me. That’s when it hit me — this storm will pass. I am not a victim. I can choose how to look at this ‘storm’, and that choice, based on love and not on fear, can be a good one. That was when I decided to give up legal practice to pursue my passion — sharing with people how nature and environment can give empowering life lessons. That was 10 years ago — and it has been a good choice.”

- Faizah Jamal, Environment Educator, Holistic Consultant and Nominated Member of Parliament


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